
Our former President

हम कह्तें हैं... नगर पालिका कचरा नहीं उठाती है,फोन काम नहीं करता,रेलवे मजाक बन गई है, चिट्ठियाँ मंजिल तक नहीं पहुँचती.. हम कह्ते हैं,कह्ते रह्ते हैं और कहते ही रह्ते हैं । इस बारे में करते क्या हैं ?
'हम सिंगापुर में सिगरेट का टुकडा सडकों पर कभी नहीं फेंकते। वॉशिंग्टन में हम ५५ मील प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार से ऊपर गाडी चलाने की हिमाकत नहीं करते और पलटकर सिपाही से यह भी नहीं कहते कि ‘जानता है मैं कौन हूँ ?’ तोक्यो में हम सडकों पर पान की पीक क्यों नहीं थूकते ? यह सब बातें हमारे ही बारे में हैं,हाँ बिल्कुल हमारे ही बारे में ! हम दूसरे देशों की व्यवस्था का आदर और पालन कर सकते हैं,लेकिन अपनी व्यवस्था का नहीं । भारतीय धरती पर कदम रखते ही हम सिगरेट का टुकडा जहाँ-तहाँ फेंकते हैं । यदि हम पराये देश में अनुशासित नागरिक हो सकते हैं तो यहाँ क्यों नहीं ? हम सोचते हैं कि हमारा हर काम सरकार करेगी । रेलवे हमारे लिए साफ-सुथरे बाथरुम देगी और हम उन्हें ठीक से इस्तेमाल करना भी नही सीखेंगे । यह व्यवस्था है किसकी और इसे बदलेगा कौन ? हम आसानी से कहेंगे कि व्यवस्था में शामिल हैं हमारे पडोसी,दूसरे घर,अन्य शहर और समुदाय और सरकार । लेकिन मैं?कतई नहीं ! जब कुछ अच्छा करने की बारी आती है तो हम स्वयं को और अपने परिवार को अलग कर लेते हैं ?
हर कोई देश को गाली देने को तैयार है पर सकारात्मक योगदान के बारे में कोई नहीं सोचता ! क्या हमने अपनी आत्मा को पैसे के हाथों गिरवी रख दिया है ? अगर मेरी इन बातों में आपको वाकई कोई सार नजर आता हो तो इसे सब अपनों को बताइए ।
Late Shri A P J Abdul Kalam

President of India

That is how our nation has been built - by a partnership between citizen and government, between individual and society, between a family and the wider community. Each of us must find a way to give back to society. Each of us must choose one thing we can do to help another, less-fortunate Indian.
Honourable Shri Ramnath Kovind

Prime Minister of India

We walk together, we move together, we think together, we resolve together, and together we take this country forward.
Honourable Shri Narendra Modi

Municipal commissioner

Praveen Gedam said "I have emphasised upon employment, IT sector and tourism in the proposal for smart city. Under the pan-city project, water supply and sewage network would be made more efficient, mass rapid transit system would be worked upon, compost plant would and road network would be improved,".He said that under area-based project all facilities would be provided. "I suggested that to increase the revenue property survey would be conducted once again, water audit will be done, and building permission will be as per the rules." Gedam added.
Honourable Praveen Gedam

Our Inspiration

"It is our duty to leave the environment in a better shape for our younger generations than what we inherited. Today we seem to be moving in opposite direction. To reverse this trend,the seniors have to take the lead and bring about a change involving all sections of society and taking help from the administration. Sujan Nagarik Manch is a right step in that direction. I wish this endeavour all the success it deserves."
Late Shri Bhishmaraj Bam


"During our interactions we felt that many people in the society feel the need to do something to bring about a change for the better in their quality of life and the surroundings, but find it difficult to act in the absence of an accessible platform. Sujan Nagarik Manch has been created to fulfill this need. Its progress so far shows that it is serving this purpose in an excellent manner. I do hope it will make a substantial contribution to the well being of the society by inspiring many more to act."
Manohar V. Deshpande

Founder Secretary

"Solid waste management is the biggest challenge of the world today.Refuse,reduce,reuse & recycle are the main ways to protect environment while handling it.By beautifying the city using the compost made out of bio-degradable waste is the most sensible environment friendly solution for waste management.By having a positive outlook with meaning-full actions towards society's challenges,citizens can create a ripple effect & inspire everyone.Join Sujan Nagarik Manch for such initiatives on various issues.Be proud of our city and help making it a better living place."
Mr. Girish Pagare

माणुसकीची भिंत ही एक सुंदर ,सोपी परंतु अतिशय उपयोगी संकल्पना आहे !तुम्हाला जे नको असतील ते कपडे आणून टांगा,ज्याला गरज असेल तो घेउन जाईल!कुणाला अहंकार नाही व कुणाला कमीपणा नाही! क्रिसमसचे आौचित्य साघून हा उपक्रम सुजाण नागरिक मंच जेहान सर्कल (म्हसोबा मंदिरा समोर)येथे सुरु करत आहे !२५ तारखेला सकाळी ९ वाजता श्री माने,संपादक सकाळ,हे ह्याचे उद्घाटन करतील़़आपणसर्वांनी येऊन कार्यक्रम सफल करावा ही विनंती! येताना द्यायला कपडे आणायला विसरू नका!
सुजाण नागरिक मंच,नाशिक

Manuskichi Bhint (Wall of Humanity) It's a simple & beautiful yet very useful concept! Just bring clothes which you don't need and hang them on the pegs! Anyone can just pick up as per his/her needs!No ego - no loss of dignity! The Sujan Nagarik Manch has decided to start this activity at Jehan Circle ( opposit Mhasoba Mandir)! It will be inaugurated on the occasion of Christmas the 25th Dec at 9 AM by Shri Mane, editor-Sakal news Paper! All are requested to make it a grand success! Please don't forget to bring clothes you can spare to donate!
Sujan Nagarik Manch, Nashik

Shri Shri Ravishankar